The results of the May 10 automated elections reveal that there is no such thing as a ‘Catholic vote.’ The Catholic Church exhorted its flock to shun candidates who favor the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill. Six bishops supported presidential candidate JC de los Reyes but he ended up with the fewest votes. Another presidential candidate who rejected the controversial bill is Manny Villar. The latter was relegated to a distant third place after being a frontrunner in the early months of 2010.
‘President-in-waiting’ Benigno Aquino III was once a firm supporter of the RH bill. He has since modified his stance to ‘responsible parenthood.’ While Erik Matti’s short film takes a swipe at the Catholic Church’s pro-life stand, the film really zooms in on poor stewardship and irresponsible parenthood.
Matti retells the story of Adam and Eve in a paradisiacal place. The couple ends up being guardians of the Garden of Eden. After Adam’s sexual overture gets rejected by Eve, the horny man takes his case to God. The latter reminds the pair of the commandment to ‘go out and multiply.’ The proliferation of humans takes its toll on food resources.
Whatever your take on the effects of a bloated population on the economy, the well-directed film is a campy, entertaining thing to watch. Part of the fun is seeing Richard Somes as Adam. He is hilarious in the scene showing him ranting against his kids who had devoured leftovers. I also loved the animation scenes incorporated in this low-budget film.
The nation’s health budget is the topic of Jade Castro’s short film. During the administration of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo there was a drop in the budget allotted to health care.
A male call center agent narrates how the lack of health care insurance affects him and his fellow agents. He casually reveals that lots of sex couplings do happen in the call center industry. The stress of working late nights weakens the immune system of employees. A sizable chunk of their salaries goes to purchasing high-priced medicines.
Filmmaker Castro takes a look at possible alternatives to buying expensive medicines at well-known drugstores. There is a growing network of small drugstores offering cheaper medicines. And, if the prices are still too exorbitant for the poor, then Castro subtly suggests people to start growing medicinal plants and herbs at their backyards.
I’m not a big fan of voiceovers but this film does a neat voiceover job. It helps that the voice seems to belong to a friendly male who loved his grandmother.
The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson, 2001)
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